it is sunday. it is the day after the shower. i am exhausted. i went to bed relatively early last night and slept until 9, but i am still exhausted. i have blisters on the tops of my toes and the side of my foot from the sandals i wore yesterday. there goes my pre-florida pedicure. my knees are killing me. we were going to play tennis this morning, but i just can't seem to get my behind off the couch and my eyes keep wanting to close.
i probably could sleep were it not for the neighbor and his weed trimmer, lawnmower, and insanely loud car. then there are my daughters. they were so well behaved yesterday, not so much today. sylvie has been whining since she opened her eyes this morning and isabel has a chip on her shoulder about something. i suppose these are the thanks we get for letting them stay up late and look through the telescope, ride bikes, and listen to music on the porch.
i have no patience today, no true patience. i have been gritting my teeth and trying not to snap at them, especially since sylvie had an hour long crying jag when we were trying to put laundry away. yelling at her never helps, it makes it worse, so i was encouraging her to take deep breaths and count. it worked until isabel came running in and insisted she could count faster and in spanish. jesus.
the chicago trip is pretty much canceled, not that we had a room reserved. in fact, we found an awesome deal on a four star hotel for $89. we can't justify the money we would spend on other things, food, drinks, club cover charges, things like that. so unless we win the lottery, i get a raise, or jason goes back to work and gets forty hours plus, we'll have to postpone it another year. i am disappointed, really disappointed, but there isn't much to be done. to add salt to the wound there was an insert in todays new york times with the listings for all the free activities in millenium park. sigh.
so, i think we are still going to florida this week. i have not been given any information as to when we are leaving, so i suppose i will pack my bag and see what happens. i do so need some time away.