Thursday, March 19, 2009

la, la, la

i need to be more joyous. i have come to many realizations. i need to be happier. i need to focus on nice things instead of the negative aspects of all of my life.

i need to think about him carrying sylvie to bed by her ankles while she squeals with glee. i need to think about him brushing my hair away from my neck while i am chopping garlic at the counter. i need to think about singing "i could have danced all night" two times every night to bouncing little girls in their beds.

how do you let the light enter in when everything has been so dark and dreary?

i miss victor garber.

poor sylv bumped her head on the coffee table while i was on the phone with the preschool today. that was the biggest goose egg on a forehead i have ever seen. it bumped out and was purple immediately.

i need to start writing again. not blogging, but writing. i stopped when i got the rejection letter from this american life, but honestly, it was a bit depressing for ira glass.

i am frustrated by the people that doubt me.

i am excited about saturday. and the following saturday...i am going to dance like an idiot and i do not care.

i still haven't finished vicky christina barcelona. i was waiting for jason, he said he wanted to watch it...he likes woody allen.

we watched "better off ted" last night. well, he watched it. i watched 10 minutes, i took advantage of sleeping kids and an empty shower. he said it was good and clever.

i wonder if they are going to ever air the final episodes of "eli stone" and "pushing daisies".

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