Tuesday, March 17, 2009

that's amore

i love my friends. i love that we can sit on a couch in sweatpants or jeans sipping wine or beer and talk about anything. and by anything, i mean anything, be it ridiculous or life altering. and we aren't ever sad when we are together. no matter what is weighing on our minds, the fact that there is someone sitting across from you listening to the hell that was your week is so reassuring.

i love my friends.

trader joe's has a new wine with a really complicated name. it is a zinfandel and it is yummy.

i think tommy walker needs to disappear.

my hair looks awesome. at least that is what my friends tell me.

i have way too many things on my list right now.

i didn't get the basement cleaned up. i suck.

i have to use jason's ipod to listen to my podcasts. i just can't clean the house without peter sagal or carl kasell.

i am looking forward to the edward cullen carb fest this weekend. woohoo!!

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